A learning journey of a passionate student who's always thirsty in searching knowledge
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
First impression meeting Teachnology & Language Learning course
Technology and Language Learning. Hmm, First impression before I attended to that course was how to include technology in teacher’s language in giving learning to students. Actually, in the first course I still confused what was the correlation of language learning with technology because I just found discussion about technology. I thought then “Oh, I will find it later on in next courses”
Actually I don’t give attention much to technology because I realize that I’m not a technologic person. I have no much capability in operating technology like other friends. There’s no enough confidence in my self. In Indonesian slang it called ‘gaptek’. I’m afraid with anything about technology which I establish that it’s strange and difficult for me.
In using internet, I just did a flat habit, checking email, googling, operating facebook, opening some websites, a little bit chatting, downloading web pages or music. I did it same all the time and there’s like no special revolution.
When Pak Iwan asked to us (section D) who was ever created a blog, all people raised hands include me. Hoh, I felt little bit shy. Actually I have known what blog is but I have no pretension to make a blog.
Well, there’s a positive sign as a result from blog task. It pushes me to be more productive in writing. I like writing but my laziness often defeat my creativity. And also creating blog gives occasion to publish my thinking.
Oh wait, one more that I got from the first course is additional information about what definition of technology is. I asked to Pak Iwan, “According to you, what’s the definition of technology?” He answered that technology is a tool that make something to be easier to be done. So blackboard, chalk, even stone and ‘kapak persegi’ that used in ancient era are technology, according to when the technology used in a certain era. I have tried to write Pak Iwan’s answer accurately in this blog but I hope my restrictiveness of English doesn’t make someone who read it will be confused. You know the answer broke down my own perception that technology were only things that related with digital things like computer, internet, phone, etc. Hmmm, how an ancient my thought is!!! Thank you Pak Iwan ^_^
just to be you..whatever you are,although you are not superwoman,technologic person,wonderwoman,or seems like that,,just stay still to be you..you have to believe "deep inside in your mind,your body,your heart,your potency,,you have a big one ability",,actually for drawing-->shoudo maybe,and many others..and i have ever seen it^^..you're awesome.. ganbarou yo!!!
@Nunu: Yup Nu..we've to take it as friend, not to be a fear for us..let's support each other, "together, we can!!!!" ^_^
@Lega: Thank you Lega... yup, we should be confident in learning.. and you're a passionate student in way you doing learning. Btw, now I go to campus by bicycle too.. Let's have a healthy and no pollution action \\(^_^)//
@Kritma: Thank you my dear.. Those are good words..and make me more motivated. Be my self with extraordinary dreams and efforts. Yeah,, I miss so much in shodou. There's no shodou competition in Jakarta like it happens in East Java. OK..keep ganbatte!!!
hhm..I like Amir Khan in that movie.. but reja..according to my lecturer..technology is not always machine,,,if it's meant "something that can make our work easier", how about blackboard, chalk, bicycle? Those aren't machine right? It depends on the era when those things are exist.
Thank you for your comment and for "Ranco's words" ^_^ (comment the rest posting please!!! :D)
yes Indah...I also have big fear in technology...
BalasHapuslet's learn together ndah........
Altohugh you are not technologic person, you have special potency to drawing Mbak Indah (like this)...Still confident aja ya...
BalasHapusjust to be you..whatever you are,although you are not superwoman,technologic person,wonderwoman,or seems like that,,just stay still to be you..you have to believe "deep inside in your mind,your body,your heart,your potency,,you have a big one ability",,actually for drawing-->shoudo maybe,and many others..and i have ever seen it^^..you're awesome.. ganbarou yo!!!
BalasHapusYup Nu..we've to take it as friend, not to be a fear for us..let's support each other, "together, we can!!!!" ^_^
Thank you Lega... yup, we should be confident in learning.. and you're a passionate student in way you doing learning.
Btw, now I go to campus by bicycle too.. Let's have a healthy and no pollution action \\(^_^)//
Thank you my dear.. Those are good words..and make me more motivated. Be my self with extraordinary dreams and efforts.
Yeah,, I miss so much in shodou. There's no shodou competition in Jakarta like it happens in East Java.
OK..keep ganbatte!!!
Technology = machine
BalasHapus“All those things which makes the work for human easier." (Rancho, Three Idiots),
hhm..I like Amir Khan in that movie.. but reja..according to my lecturer..technology is not always machine,,,if it's meant "something that can make our work easier", how about blackboard, chalk, bicycle? Those aren't machine right? It depends on the era when those things are exist.
BalasHapusThank you for your comment and for "Ranco's words" ^_^
(comment the rest posting please!!! :D)
hahaha..... its so funny......
BalasHapusI also haven't blog, but i will...
keep spirit friend.....
Full your blog with your beauty mind...