Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

Fast Food VS Slow Food

                Have you ever watched “Supersize Me” movie? If you have I vouch that you will think much before eating fast food in many times.

                Do you think that fast food is a delicious food? Yes, I agree with you.

                Do you think that fast food is cheap? Hmm… may be yes or may be no. Yes in west country but no in our country.

                Do you think that fast food is healthy? …. Are you confused to answer the question?

                Let’s see some facts hidden behind the fast food. Hamburger for example, yes it consists of bread, meat, and vegetable that fulfill to be an healthy food but they may contain of an organic substance because those foodstuff are coerced to grow instantly and have high quality. How about the fried chicken? It’s not much different. The chickens that are used must be injected by certain substance which has function to make chicken fat enough to be eaten.

                Then how is about the process? The process from the raw food to be cooked food runs fast and instantly by machines. If the consumer are mostly Muslim,  how is the way of butchering chicken? Is it halal enough? Do the butcher always say bismillah like in Islamic way in every butchering? We can’t answer it before we look directly at the fast food kitchen because sometimes the halal certificate doesn’t really work where in fast food everything must be fast and instant.

                Supersize Me movie tells about someone who is eating fast food during one month. His purpose is to know what the effect of eating fast food intensively and actually it takes bad impact. His health is decrease with low productivity in working. Consuming fast food also influence blood pressure and cholesterol level which are higher than the level before consuming. His body is getting fat and the grease exists inside of his body. If fast food is consumed in longer time, the body will get the obesity.

                Last time there was an expert of sociology of food persuades us as a youngster to move on slow food rather than the fast food. Slow food is a kind of food that concert to the natural process, from the planting term till the process to cook it.

As independent students who live far from parents, we sometimes forget about healthy food. Moreover we are busy to study, do assignment, and other activities which need much time so we are demanded to do fast and effective activities, and include activity of eating. There is no time to cook by our selves and sometimes there is no kitchen in some boarding house. As a result, instant noodle is one of solutions to face it and instant noodle is kind of the cheapest fast food. So we have to be careful in manage our food. We can buy food to the “warteg” as a solution. Beside we can choose a healthy and slow food, the budget is appropriate with our pocket.

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